On the Road to Digital Pathology in Denmark: National Survey and Interviews

Julie Smith, Sys Johnsen, Mette Christa Zeuthen, Lisbeth Koch Thomsen, Niels Marcussen, Stig Hansen, Charlotte Lerbech Jensen

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftsartikelForskningpeer review


Digital pathology (DP) is changing pathology departments dramatically worldwide, yet globally, few departments are presently digitalized for the full diagnostic workflow. Denmark is also on the road to full digitalization countrywide, and this study aim to cover experiences during the implementation process in a national context. Thus, quantitative questionnaires were distributed
to all pathology departments in Denmark (n = 13) and distributed to all professions including medical clinical directors, medical doctors (MD) and biomedical laboratory scientists (BLS). For a qualitative perspective, we interviewed four employees representing four professions. Data were collected in 2019–2020. From the questionnaire and interviews, we found strategies
differed at the Danish departments with regards to ambitions, technological equipment, workflows, and involvement of type of professions. DP education was requested by personnel. Informants were in general positive toward the digital future but mainly had concerns regarding the political pressure to integrate DP before technological advances are sufficient for maintaining
rational budgets, workflows, and for sustaining diagnostic quality. This study is a glance on the Danish implementation process in its early stages from personnel’s point of view. It shows the complexity when large new workflow processes are to be implemented countrywide and with a large diversity of stakeholders like managers, MD, BLS, IT-professionals, and authorities. To ensure best technological and economical solutions and to maintain—or even optimize—diagnostic quality with DP and workflow alignment, we suggest superior inter- and intradepartmental communication. When implementing DP countrywide, a national working group is warranted with the variety of stakeholders represented.
TidsskriftJournal of Digital Imaging
Udgave nummer35
Sider (fra-til)1189–1206
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 24 maj 2022


  • Kliniske undersøgelsesmetoder, laboratorieteknologi og radiografi


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