Oplevelse af livskvalitet og hverdagsliv hos langtidssygemeldte borgere med muskel- og skeletlidelser - set i forhold til en arbejdsevnevurdering

Publikation: Kandidat/diplom/masterMasterForskning


Citizens who had been absent from work for a longer period of time because of musculoskeletal disorder have to get the workability assessed based on a so called “Working capacity method”. In a frame of The Ethnological Theory of state and lifeforms and a Foucault inspired concept of governmentality this method will be analyzed with an emphasis on the relationship between the state and these citizens. Interview, conversations and observations are used to illustrate the experience of daily life and quality of life for the participants. Using the concept of quality of life observed from a critical psychological point of view the participant’s experience of different interpretation of their dysfunction is discussed. The analysis illustrates how they try to manage the struggle of balancing between family life and work.
StatusUdgivet - 2010


  • arbejdsevnevurdering
  • livskvalitet
  • hverdagsliv
