Problembased learning (PBL) including drama games as a motivating learning approach in interprofessional education (IPE)

Bodil Winther Hansen, Camusa Hatt

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftAbstraktForskning


The university have years of experience with interprofessional student groups, from seven different health professions, learning through participating in an interprofessional module. Evaluations have shown a continuos massive challenge concerning the student´s motivation for learning and their level of participation in this three-week course of “Conflict management”. To meet these challenges the university started a project within the frame of problembased learning and drama games. The idea was to develop strategies to motivate students and create a dynamic and stimulating learning environment and to test this pedagogic experiment within the course. Methods The hypothesis was that if the three-week course was carried out as a PBL course, and if the lecturers were prepared and supervised thoroughly for this method, the students´ motivation and participation would be higher than students participating in similar courses that were not carried out as problem-based learning courses. The evaluation design was a combination of a quantitative questionnaire, answered by 256 students, 46 of these represented the 2 experimental classes where the three-week course was carried out as a problem-based learning course including drama games, the other 210 represented 6 comparison classes where the course was not carried out as a PBL course. The evaluation design also contained dialogue with the students in two experimental classes and qualitative interviews with the lecturers in the experimental classes. The interviews were analyzed by Kvales 3 levels of analysis (Brinkman, J. & Kvale, S.(2009): Interview. Hans Reitzels Forlag) Results The results both supported the hypothesis concerning the students´ level of motivation and directed our attention towards the preparation and practice of the lecturers as an important aspect of carrying out a successful PBL course. Among the students, there was a significantly higher level of satisfaction in the experimental classes than in the comparison classes, regarding 10 out of 12 questions asked about both academic achievement and satisfaction with the learning environment. In the qualitative part students from the two experimental classes highlighted that PBL was a challenging, but very satisfying method of study. Interviews with the lecturers supported these results and underlined the need for partner training and common preparation. Conclusion PBL and drama games can meet the challenges of lack of motivation and participation in interprofessional courses. These methods at the same time require a high level of motivation from the lecturers as well as from the students. Moreover, lecturers need supervision and partner training in learning practice.
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 2014
BegivenhedNIPNET – Nordic Interprofessional Network) konference i Stockholm 2-3 oktober 2014: konference i Stockholm 2-3 oktober 2014 - Stockholm, Sverige
Varighed: 2 okt. 20143 okt. 2014
Konferencens nummer: 2014


KonferenceNIPNET – Nordic Interprofessional Network) konference i Stockholm 2-3 oktober 2014


  • professionsuddannelser
  • Forum spil
  • Tværprofessionel undervisning
  • problem baseret læring
