Quantifying Reflection: Developing Reflective Competencies by Profiling Student Reflection on Initial Exposure to PBL Learning

Gordon Lindsay Alcock

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


This paper documents 1st semester student reflections on “learning to learn” in a team-based PBL environment with quantitative and qualitative student reflective feedback on the learning gains of 60 Architectural Technology and Construction Management students at VIA University College, Denmark.
It contrasts the students’ self-assessment in a range of ‘product’ skills such as Revit, Structural Design, Mathematics of construction, Technical Installations; as well as ‘process’ competencies such as ‘Working in a team’, Sharing knowledge, Maintaining a portfolio and Reflecting ON learning and FOR learning´ These are all based on Blooms taxonomy and levels of competence and form a major part of individual student and group learning portfolios.
Key Words :Project-Based learning, Reflective Portfolios, Self assessment, Defining learning gains, Developing learning strategies , Reflections on and for learning
TitelVisions, Challenges and Strategies : PBL Strategies and Methodologies in a Danish Global Perspective
RedaktørerLone Krogh, Annie Aarup Jensen
Antal sider13
ForlagAalborg Universitetsforlag
Publikationsdato12 aug. 2013
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7112-099-8
StatusUdgivet - 12 aug. 2013


  • studerende


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