Reflection, dialogue, and hybrid learnings spaces: Refleksion, dialog og hybride læringsrum

Bidragets oversatte titel: Refleksion, dialog og hybride læringsrum

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferenceartikel i proceedingpeer review


This paper presents an investigation of HLSs connecting lesson and homework-time. We claim that ’the real’,
that the virtual, homework-time represents, needs more attention in new learning hybrid designs. The traditional
learning designs, that this paper investigates, focus the pedagogical attention on the physical lesson in the university
classroom and it relies on traditional approaches to teaching and learning in a physical and simultaneous
meeting. The paper promotes experience-based learning designs that seek to establish an equilibrium between
the virtual (homework) and the physical (classroom) aspects of a course. This shifts the lecturer’s workload from
predominantly being spending time on preparing the lesson, to paying equal attention to the activities and interactions
with the students between lessons. The paper presents pedagogical designs that, potentially, create
good conditions for reflection and dialogue between the lesson that also serves as the fulcrum for the lesson,
thereby, defining the circumstances for both virtual learning space and lessons. In the investigated cases, the
mediational means are discussion fora utilised to connect the activities between lessons and the lesson. When
the lesson and homework-time are connected by an online discussion it, potentially, frees the lecturers time to
take part in the interactions between the lessons because the lecturer’s workload spend on preparing the lesson
is decreased, because the content and the pedagogical design of the lesson is nested in the discussion threads.
Thus, we suggest a radical change in the way lecturers approach the distribution of their workload leading towards
a new equilibrium between ‘virtual learning space’ and lessons.
Bidragets oversatte titelRefleksion, dialog og hybride læringsrum
TitelProceedings for the European Conference on Reflective Practice-based Learning 2021
RedaktørerLine Helverskov Horn, Louise Naomi Vetner
Antal sider18
Publikationsdatonov. 2021
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-971643-5-8
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2021
BegivenhedEuropean Conference on Reflective Practice-based Learning 2021 - University College of Northern Denmark (UCN), Aalborg, Danmark
Varighed: 1 nov. 20213 nov. 2021
Konferencens nummer: 1


KonferenceEuropean Conference on Reflective Practice-based Learning 2021
LokationUniversity College of Northern Denmark (UCN)
AndetThe goal of the European Conference on Reflective Practice-based Learning (RPL) is to bring together educators, researchers and practitioners to explore, challenge and develop current practices of RPL in professional practice and higher education. Worki...


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