Simulation as an educational tool in acute nursing care: a controlled intervention study

Mona Larsen

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterFormidling


1 Hospital of Southwest Jutland, Finsensgade 35, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark
2 University College South Denmark, Degnevej 16, 6705 Esbjerg, Denmark
3 Institute of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark /Centre Southwest Jutland, Finsensgade 35, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark

Objective: Nursing education consists of classroom lessons and clinical instruction, however learning acute nursing skills, use of simulation-based education may improve the students’ fundamental knowledge on acute nursing and increase self-efficacy. Furthermore, the students’ may experience the learning process more satisfying. The purpose of the study was to investigate if theory based lessons in combination with simulation-based lectures (FAM Camp) were superior to theory based lessons alone on above mentioned variables.

Method: This was a controlled intervention study among nursing students at University College South in Denmark. The students’ teams received either traditional class room lessons (C) or traditional class room lessons combined with simulation-bases lessons at the hospital (F). The primary outcome variable was fundamental knowledge measured by a Multiple-Choice questionnaire (max point=18). Secondary outcome variables were the students’ self-reported satisfaction with the learning process (VAS) and self-efficacy (scale ranging from 1-10).

Results: Seventy-four students participated in the study; C: n=36 and F: n=38. Regarding fundamental knowledge, there was no significant difference between the groups (F: 11.8±0.4,
C: 12.1±0.4, p=0.54). The group who received simulation-based lessons had more positive experience of the learning process (F: 2.2±0.7, C: -3.8±0.9, p=0.001), and rated their self-efficacy higher (F: 14.8±1.8, C: 6.4±1.4, p=0.001) compared to the group who received traditional lessons.

Conclusion: Different skills are required to practice as an acute nurse. Believe in own abilities is one of them (self-efficacy) and this skill was trained best in simulation-based lessons in an authentic setting. Contrary, it is uncertain whether simulation training improves fundamental knowledge on acute nursing, compared to traditional class room lessons.
Publikationsdato19 feb. 2016
StatusUdgivet - 19 feb. 2016
BegivenhedNursing Simulation Alive Conference - Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Rovaniemi, Finland
Varighed: 16 feb. 201619 feb. 2016


KonferenceNursing Simulation Alive Conference
LokationLapland University of Applied Sciences
