Skolekultur, lærerstart og fodfæste

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Collaboration, mastery vs performing, atmosphere and career are four central terms in regards to school culture and newly qualified teacher’s foothold. Horizontal relations, reciprocity and equality when working together on experienced challenges without known solutions supports the newly qualified teachers. The effect of the supporting activities is dependent on whether a school culture is oriented towards mastery or performing - two different goal-orientations- that might affect a school culture. The orientation towards mastery focus on increasing the teachers´ skills and competencies and link to motivation and self-referenced progress while orientation towards performance focus on demonstrating skills or fear of revealing lack of skills.
Furthermore, it depends on the new teachers’ sense of self-efficacy. Supportive school management, good communication, clear organisation and welcoming colleagues, also contributes to a good induction period. It may be valuable to develop an organisational approach to new teachers’ careers that supports several career orientations.
In addition, it is important, that the school culture consciously and strategically promote different career orientations, to clarify feasible future possibilities for the new teacher.
Keywords: School culture, professional development, teacher induction, newly qualified teacher, self-efficacy
TidsskriftStudier i læreruddannelse og profession
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)207-227
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 2019


  • Skoler, fag og institutioner
  • nyuddannede lærere
  • skolekultur
