Supporting teachers integrating web 2.0 in a Problem Based Learning approach

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Based on theoretical and methodological considerations within problem-based learning (PBL), web 2.0 technologies and learning designs, the article try to illustrate a design model for supporting teachers in their learning design trying to integrate web 2.0 technologies into their PBL approach at Aalborg University (AAU).

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) has gained a lot of interest since it was launched in established educational settings over 30 years ago in the medical programmes at McMaster University, Canada. Essentially it is a leaning methods based on the principle of using problems as a starting point for learning and it is now used in multiple disciplines. There is many descriptions and definition of PBL but at Aalborg University we work with Problem Based Learning in a special form designated ?The Aalborg PBL model? [1]. This model has it historical roots in critical theory and, in particular, in the work of the German philosopher and sociologist Oskar Negt. Negt?s work gained a lot of interest in Denmark and the Problem oriented project based learning (POPBL) was developed under this inspiration. It was implemented as a framework for learning when Aalborg University was established in the beginning of the 1970?s. The study form has also proved to work well, offering high rates of accomplishment at a satisfying level of qualification both in psychical and online setting [2],[1]

In Problem-Based Learning (PBL) the focus is on participant control [3], which to some extend means that a transition from curriculum-based teaching to PBL entails a movement from a teacher-centered approach to a learner-centered approach [4],[5]. This move can in many ways be compared to the conceptual move from web 1.0 to web 2.0 that by some is seen as a transition from ?users/learners as consumers? towards ?users/learners as producers? [6]. Consequently, it makes good sense to connect Web 2.0 with a problem-based approach to learning. Therefore it?s interesting to look upon a learning design model supporting teachers at AAU in their pedagogical design combining these two.

The Collaborative E-learning Design (CoED) method [9] aims to support domain, qualification level and subject experts in designing targeted networked learning. The method supports the design work of practitioners and has been developed and tried out in a number of different settings. Drawing on knowledge and theoretical concepts within the fields of design, systems development and collaborative learning, emphasis is on bringing focus and structure to the early stages of the design process. The method aims to develop design specifications and/or early prototypes within few hours of work, and furthermore to support the collaboration between different types of experts and practitioners.

Further developing this method will lead to a pedagogical design method supporting teacher in their design for learning taking into account the PBL approach and integration of web 2.0-technologies, which is to be tried out af the Faculty of Social Science during autum 2010.
Publikationsdatonov. 2010
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2010
Udgivet eksterntJa
BegivenhedICERI 2010 -
Varighed: 15 nov. 201019 nov. 2010


KonferenceICERI 2010


  • collaborative e-learning design method
  • design
  • problem based learning
  • web 2.0
