Testing a user-driven approach in health promotion activities targeting users of psychiatric services

Bidragets oversatte titel: Test af et brugerdrevet tilgang i sundhedsfremmende aktiviteter rettet mod brugere af psykiatriske serviceydelser

Nana Folmann Hempler, Regitze Saurbrey Pals, Lone Oest, Vinie Diana Hvidbak Levisen, Naja Ramskov Krogh

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftAbstraktForskning

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Testing a user-driven approach in health promotion activities targeting users of psychiatric services
Regitze A. S. Pals1, Lone Oest2, Vinie D. H. Levisen2, Naja Ramskov Krogh3, Nana Folmann Hempler1
Compared to the general population, users of psychiatric services (users) are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is associated with lifestyle behaviours. The aim of this study was to pilot test a new collaborative approach in health promotion targeting users.
The approach is based on two health education models and seven visual dialogue tools developed in co-creation with users. Fifty-four professionals received training in the approach on a three-day course. The course included theoretical introduction and practical training of the tools through role play and group work with course participants and users. Professionals had to test at least one tool in a health promoting activity such as health checks, exercise etc. Data were collected through observations of health promoting activities (n=15) and questionnaires (n=54). Data were analysed using systematic text condensation and descriptive statistics.
The majority of professionals found that the new approach to a moderate/high degree had improved their collaborative skills (89.3%) and Research Center of Health Promotionwas well-suited for their practice (93.5%). Observations showed that professionals successfully integrated the approach. Some professionals lacked support and only 27.7% professionals had discussed implementation with their manager. The subsequent intervention will be implemented with a strong focus on dialogue with managers.

1Health Promotion, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen
2 Research Center of Health Promotion, University College South Denmark
3Region of Southern Denmark

Bidragets oversatte titelTest af et brugerdrevet tilgang i sundhedsfremmende aktiviteter rettet mod brugere af psykiatriske serviceydelser
Publikationsdato10 apr. 2017
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 10 apr. 2017


  • Sundhed, ernæring og livskvalitet


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