The ICF framework in communication with patients during rehabilitation, a qualitative study.

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftAbstraktForskningpeer review


The International Classification of Functioning (ICF) is a bio-psycho-social frame commonly used in rehabilitation. This frame supports the descriptions and the understanding of the complex interplay between health status, functioning and context on persons` life and wellbeing. In this present study we comprehend our previous findings, from interviewing individuals with severe disabilities about their transition from hospital rehabilitation to community living, into an understanding of ICF as a tool in communication. Supporting individuals` transition is of great interest, as this is a challenging period, where they are confronted with limited functioning and meet various barriers and problems. Therefore, the professionals` understanding of the complexity of factors influencing on life-situation is crucial to the individuals. This study discusses how the ICF is a useful tool for patients, families and the professionals.
Eight persons were interviewed at discharge from rehabilitation center and twice at home during the first-year post-discharge. A total of 22 interviews were analyzed in accordance with deductive content analysis using the ICF model and terminology.
The analysis revealed a reciprocal dependency between the ICF components, that either supported or complicated the participants´ overall life-situation and wellbeing. Especially, personal factors showed to impact the overall wellbeing. Three categories explained the interactions between the ICF components; “If the environment supports doing what matters is possible”, “If addressing personal issues the meaning of disability appear”, “If the sense of control is maintained participation is achievable”. These categories collectively represent “personal values” as an overreaching theme that explain the meaning of interactions on persons´ life-situation.
Personal values highly impact on how interactions between functioning and context are experienced and how interactions influence on persons` life. Using the ICF framework in communication deepen professionals` understanding of the meaning of interactions and assist person centered rehabilitation.
StatusUdgivet - 2019
Begivenhed3rd international NCCS & EACS Conference: Sustainable Caring for Health and Wellbeing - Vaasa, Finland
Varighed: 1 okt. 20193 okt. 2019


Konference3rd international NCCS & EACS Conference
