The Lack of Induction Programs in Denmark

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


    The purpose of the article is to present the development of induction support
    for newly qualified teachers in Denmark over the last 10 years. The article underlines that there currently might be incipient shifts in the political ecosystem of education by referring to a teacher commission that was appointed to provide recommendations for rules for new working hours for teachers in Denmark and to the latest recommendations from a commission whose task was to evaluate the Danish Teacher Training Program. Both commissions call attention to newly qualified teachers and to bridging the gap from teacher education to the teaching profession. The article briefly explains the situation today by referring to a nationwide survey study of how schools receive newly qualified teachers. The study was carried out by the Counseling and Mentoring Research Program at VIA University College. One of the research questions was “How and to what extent are newly qualified teachers in Denmark supported during the first year of their rofessional work?” The study concludes that support of newly qualified teachers is very arbitrary and unsustainable.
    TitelNew Teachers in Nordic Countries – Ecologies of Mentoring and Induction
    RedaktørerKnut-Rune Olsen, Eva M. Bjerkholt, Hannu L. T. Heikinnen
    Antal sider15
    ForlagCappelen Damm Akademisk
    Publikationsdato8 okt. 2020
    ISBN (Trykt)9788202692407
    ISBN (Elektronisk)9788202694432
    StatusUdgivet - 8 okt. 2020


    • fastholdelse
    • induction programmes
    • mentor
    • nyuddannede lærere
    • teacher professional development
