Udeskole In Theory and Practice: A Danish Approach to Learning Outside the Classroom

Jørgen Bærenholdt (Redaktør), Marianne Hald (Redaktør), Chris Carter (Oversætter)

Publikation: Bog/antologi/rapport/Ph.d. afhandlingAntologiFormidling


Traditionally, teaching takes place in a classroom. The concept of udeskole breaks with this idea by moving parts of the instruction out into the local surroundings resulting in students learning in a dynamic interaction between inside and outside. Through ovement, bodily and inner senses students gain personal and concrete experiences in their work with the educational goals and content of each subject.
Udeskole in Theory and Practice – A Danish Approach to Learning Outside the Classroom presents a theoretical foundation for teaching outside and introduces a didactical framework for udeskole, that can be applied to any subject and to special education.
Part one of the book is a theoretical explanation for and research of the basics of udeskole teaching and concludes with a didactic model that can be used to plan, implement, and evaluate teaching and learning outside the classroom. In part two the reader is presented to specific suggestions on how udeskole can be practiced. Through descriptive cases from different Danish public schools this part describes udeskole education in the subjects of Danish, maths, home economics, science, and history. Part three also presents cases and examples of how to successfully put udeskole into practice, this time for students with special needs. The fourth and last part includes other important aspects of teaching udeskole such as the importance of movement, language development, intercultural competencies, including external partners (open school), and motivation.
Udeskole in Theory and Practice – A Danish Approach to Learning Outside the Classroom primarily addresses teacher and pedagogy students and teachers and professors at teacher colleges. Teachers, pedagogues, and others, who already are – or wish to – including areas outside the classroom in their teaching, will also benefit from reading this book.
Antal sider278
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7234-240-5
StatusUdgivet - 2022


  • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning
  • Skoler, fag og institutioner
