Understandings of the Concept of Iteration in Design-Based Research

Bidragets oversatte titel: Forståelser af begrebet iteration i design-baseret forskning

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The paper is the first in a series of papers addressing design in Design-based
research. The series looks into the question of how this research
approach is connected to design. What happens when educational
researchers adopt designerly ways of working? This paper provides an
overview of design-based research and from there on discuss one key
characteristic, namely iterations, which are fundamental to educational
design research in relation to how designers operate and why. The paper
concludes that in general iteration is not a particularly well-described
aspect in the reporting of DBR-projects. Half of the articles are not directly
concerned with this aspect and a forth barely mention it. When dealt with,
iterations are most frequently understood as cycles of analysis in relation
to testing out prototypes in longer periods of time. Refinements are
applied retrospectively after thorough data analysis and usually after long
periods of testing design solutions in practice.
Bidragets oversatte titelForståelser af begrebet iteration i design-baseret forskning
TitelCumulus REDO Conference Proceedings 30 May - 2 June 2017
Antal sider6
Publikationsdato30 maj 2017
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-93416-15-4
StatusUdgivet - 30 maj 2017
BegivenhedCumulus Redo Conference 2017 - Designskolen Kolding, Kolding, Danmark
Varighed: 30 maj 20172 jun. 2017


KonferenceCumulus Redo Conference 2017
LokationDesignskolen Kolding
