Using Reflective Videos to Enhance Entrepreneurial Learning

Birgitte Wraae, Christa Tigerstedt, Dr. Andreas Walmsley

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftsartikelForskningpeer review


Reflection is a key component of learning. However, getting students to reflect critically and in-depth can present a challenge. In this exploratory study we show how using reflective video clips can trigger and support reflection in entrepreneurship education. Data from 77 reflective video clips from a cohort of BA students in Denmark and Finland were analyzed to help understand how these clips had stimulated reflection, the nature of the reflection and its outcomes in terms of students’ learning. Findings show that the video clips provided a useful vehicle for stimulating in-depth reflection, reflection that brought to the fore tacit assumptions, helped make sense of experiences and even led to a level of personal reframing in relation to entrepreneurship that changed career aspirations.
TidsskriftEntrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy
StatusUdgivet - 29 jun. 2020


  • entreprenørskabsundervisning
  • entrepreneurial career development
  • entrepreneurship education
  • higher education
  • student reflection
  • student self-awareness
  • Entrepreneurship Education

    Wraae, B. (Projektleder)


    Projekter: ProjektForskning
