Zooming in - zooming out: using iPad video diaries in ethnographic educational research

Vibeke Røn Noer

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper/skriftligt oplægForskningpeer review

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This paper presents the use of video diaries in ethnographic educational research among nursing students in Denmark. It is based on the researcher’s experiences from an ongoing ethnographic study focusing on the student perspective of being enrolled in a class following an experimental educational model. The paper presents video diaries as a way of generating qualitative data, reflects on the ethical strategies and dilemmas of using video diaries and illuminates the possibilities of allowing students to state their voices when and where they choose.


KonferenceNetworked Together: Designing Participatory Research in Online Ethnography. Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Rethinking educational ethnography: researching on-line communities and interactions


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