Development of a Code of Environmental Practice for the Hospitality Industry

  • Ann Hartl (Participant)

    Activity: Consultancy typesEvaluation


    Content of the task: 1. The proposal, which the Evaluator is called upon to evaluate, was submitted under the “Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities” Programme of the Research Promotion Foundation’s Framework Programme 2009 – 2010.
    2. General Information regarding the objectives of the abovementioned Programme and some fundamental definitions are provided in the following page. The Call for Proposals was sent to the Evaluator via electronic mail.
    3. According to the Evaluation Procedure, each Proposal was evaluated by two (2) independent Evaluators. Each Evaluator filled his / her own Evaluation Report Form, in which he / she provided a score as well as relevant comments and justification on each criterion.
    Objectives for customers' outcome: Opnå basis for vurdering af forskningsprojektforslag.
    Methodology and working methods: Evaluering - baseret på peer-review
    Motivation for the choice of methodology and working methods: Valgt af opdragsgiver
    Period1 Sept 201130 Sept 2011
    Work forResearch Promotion Foundation, Cyprus, Cyprus
    Degree of RecognitionInternational