Research output per year
Research output per year
Cand.Scient.San., Ph.d
Niels Bohrs Allé 1
5230 Odense M
Research activity per year
Camilla Marie Larsen holds a background as a physiotherapist and a Ph.D. degree from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Sports Science and Biomechanics, Research Unit for Physical Activity and Health in the Workplace in 2014. The focal point of her current research revolves around health in muscles and joints, as well as adapted physical activity for individuals with varying degrees of disabilities, including adults with spinal cord injuries and children/adolescents with cerebral palsy, as well as the general adult population, such as individuals with back problems.
Her research encompasses methods and designs primarily within epidemiology, clinical measurement, evidence synthesis, and effectiveness evaluation. The research portfolio also includes qualitative research methodology.
Field of expertise/research area:
Teaching Portfolio
Formal pedagogical education:
2013: Course; Smartboard (one day), University of Southern Denmark, SDU.
2015-2016: Professional Lecturer training programme; Qualified as senior lecturer in September 2016 at UCL University College (UCL)
2016. Course; Aktivér dine studerende med diskussionsfora, blogs eller wikier, SDU
2016. Course; Tilrettelæggelse af Blended Learning og fjernundervisning, SDU
2018. Course; PhD supervisor course, Internt IOB ph.d.-vejleder kursus, SDU
2018. Course; Career development program for young researchers, SDU
Administrative tasks in relation to teaching:
2013-2014: Module responsible, Modul 4/ Videnskabelig metode. Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU (15 ECTS)
2013-2014 Module responsible, Modul 2/Evidensbaseret praksis, Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU (15 ECTS).
2014-2017 Part of the HELIX-center UCL project group, establishing new learning strategies for developing clinical and communicative skills for students across the educational health programs at UCL.
2019-2021 Course responsible for Adapted physical activity, exercise and sports. Master in Sport Science and Health (15 ECTS)
Experience with teaching, supervision and exams:
Teaching/exams on Bachelor-level:
2009 Test af fysisk funktionsevne, Sports and Health, SDU
2010-2012 Objektiv undersøgelse; The Medical Programme,
2011-2022 Når mennesker og teknologi mødes, Written exam; Engineering in Welfare Technology, SDU
2015-2017 Fra idé til problemformulering, Oral exam, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2015-2016 Videnskabsteori, Modul 3, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2015-2017 Videnskabsteori, Målemetoder, Modul 8, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2015 Kliniske test og måleegenskaber, One day teaching for students from Saudi Arabia
2016-2021 Klinisk eksamen, 6 semester, Oral/written exam, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2015-2018 Tilpasset idræt, bevægelse og rehabilitering, Sports and Health, SDU
2017-2022 Neurologi, Skuldersmerter og fysisk aktivitet blandt personer med rygmarvsskade, 5 semester, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL.
2017-2022 Semestereksamen, Neurologi, Oral/written exam, 5 semester, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2017-2019 Klinisk eksamen, 4 semester, Oral/written exam, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2018-2022 Videnskabsteori, Critical Appraised Topic (CAT), 6 semester, Written exam, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL.
2018-2022 Semestereksamen, Videnskabsteori, Written exam, 6 semester, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2019-2022 TS6: Idræt og træning i den sundhedsfremmende praksis, Sports and Health, SDU
2020 Innovation på tværs, (across health educations), Oral/written exams, 3 semester, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
Teaching/exams on Master-level:
2009/2013 Videnskabelige metode/Anvendt videnskabelig metode, Master of Science in Sports and Health, SDU
2011/14 Modul 1, Fysioterapi og videnskabelig teori og metode; Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
2012/2014 Modul 5 valgfri, (Biomekanik); Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
2011-2014 Modul 4, Videnskabelig metode, Oral/written exam, Mekanisme/klinimetri,
Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
2014 Fysisk aktivitet og Sundhed, Master of Science in Sports and Health, SDU
2014 Muscle fatique, Master of Science in Sports and Health, SDU
2012 Modul 2/Evidensbaseret praksis, Written exam, Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
2015-2019 Tilpasset Idræt og Bevægelse, Master of Science in Sports and Health, SDU
2019 Exercise Therapy and Training, Master of Science in Clinical Biomechanics, SDU.
2019-2021 Adapted physical activity, exercise and sports. Oral/written exam, Master in Sport Science and Health, SDU
2020-2022 Semester 2/Modul, examinar, Kvalitetsudvikling i fysioterapi, Written exam, Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
Supervisor /external examiner:
2009-2010 Co-supervisor (3 bachelor projects, 9 students) Bachelor of Physiotherapy, UCL
2009 External examiner in Træning i sundhedsfremme; Master in rehabilitation, SDU
2009 External co-supervisor, (1 bachelor project, 2 students), Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, University College Southern Denmark
2010 Co-supervisor, bachelor project (1 student); Voluntary activation of the trapezius muscle in neck/shoulder cases and healthy controls measured with twitch interpolation, Bachelor in Sports and Health, SDU
2012 Co-supervisor, Master thesis (1 student); Development and effect of electromyographic biofeedback system on clinical characteristics in shoulder muscles for subjects with shoulder impingement. Master in Health Science, SDU
2013 Co-supervisor, Master thesis (2 students); Reliability of 3D shoulder movements. Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
2014 Examiner, Modul 4, Videnskabeligmetode/mekanisme. Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
2014 Main supervisor, Master thesis (1 student); Inter-rater reliability and agreement of the 6- minute walk test in females with hip fractures. Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
2014 Main Supervisor: Master thesis (1 student); Development and effect of electromyographic bio-feedback system on EMG activity pattern in shoulder muscles for subjects with shoulder impingement. Master of Science in Sports and Health, SDU
2014 Main-supervisor, bachelor project (2 students); WHEELCHAIR USERS SHOULDER PAIN INDEX (WUPSI). A translation and cross-cultural adaption of the Danish version of Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index (WUPSI-DK). Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2015 Main supervisor, two bachelor projects (4 students); Correlation between pain extent and quality of life in chronic neck pain patients and Inter-tester reliability of muscle strength assessment of the shoulder using IsoForceControl Evo2 dynamometer. Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2016 Main supervisor, two bachelor projects (3 students); Patellar tendinopathy – a quality assessment of existing protocols -A systematic review and Are there a relationship between changes in running training and development of running injuries evidence-based?; A systematic review. Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2017 Main supervisor, three bachelor projects (7 students); Et kvantitativt studie om lederne i ældreplejens indstilling til implementering af træning på arbejdspladsen for social- og sundhedsansatte and Patienters oplevelse med genoptræ - et kvalitativt studie and Effekt af tidlig vægtreduceret gangtræning til apopleksi patienter - et systematisk review, Bachelor , of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2017 Examiner/Co-supervisor, Master thesis (1 student), Isokinetic dynamometer and hand-held dynamometer evaluation of shoulder muscle strength and co-activation during internal and external rotation among wheelchair athletes, Master in Health Science, SDU
2017 Co-supervisor, Master thesis (1 student); Assessment of isokinetic and hand-held measures of shoulder rotator strength in tetraplegic wheelchair rugby athletes: A cross-sectional pilot study. Master of Science in Physiotherapy, SDU
2018 Main supervisor, three bachelor projects (8 students); Den oplevede behandlingseffekt og dokumentation i ridefysioterapeutisk praksis: Et kvalitativt studie and Et kvantitativt studie om Unge og Skærmtid i Danmark and Selvrapporteret livskvalitet og oplevelse af stress hos ældre indlagte og genindlagte patienter: Et kvantitativt tværsnitsstudie, Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2018 External reviewer, PhD protocol; The effect of early specific pelvic floor rehabilitation on functional outcome and quality of life after surgery for rectal cancer, PhD School at Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU
2019 Co-supervisor, Master thesis (1 student); Exploring and contrasting the process of recovery of individuals with whiplash syndrome and spinal cord injury with or without shoulder pain. Master of Science in Clinical Biomechanics, SDU
2020 Main supervisor, two bachelor projects (6 students); Fysisk aktivitet i Litegait til voksne med fysisk og psykisk og/eller kognitivt handicap – en protokol til et mixed-methods feasibility-studie and Eksplosiv styrketræning til arthrose patienter; er det feasible? Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2021 Main supervisor, three bachelor projects (6 students); ‘Forstår du det, jeg forstår?’ - Et kvalitativt studie om kommunikation og forståelse af vedvarende rygbesvær, and Hvad er den seneste evidens for effekten af en kognitiv intervention på borgerens muligheder for egenhåndtering af kroniske rygsmerter med relevans for et rygforløb i kommunal ramme?, and Skadesforebyggende skuldertræning til personer der dyrker højintensiv funktionel træning - et feasibility-studie. Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
2021 Co-supervisor, Master thesis (1 student). Racerunning for young people with cerebral palsy. Master of Science in Human Physiology, University of Copenhagen.
2019-2021 Co-supervisor, PhD project, Development of the intervention: Physical activity to reduce vascular erectile dysfunction, UCL University College,VID Specialized University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Sandnes, Norge, School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University, Sweden, Fakultet for helsevitenskap, Institutt for Atferdsvitenskap, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norge.
2022 Main supervisor, four bachelor projects (10 students); Sammenhængen mellem fysisk aktivitet og muskuloskeletale smerter hos eSportsudøvere - et tværsnitsstudie, and Sammenhængen mellem løb og udviklingen af knæartrose - Et litteraturstudie, and Effekten af træningsinterventioner til potentielt forebyggelse af non-traumatiske skulderproblematikker hos sportsudøvere målt på skulder styrke og skulder range of motion - Et rapid review, and Fysisk aktivitet i LiteGait til voksne med fysisk og psykisk funktionsnedsættelse - et feasibility-studie. Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, UCL
Methods, materials and tools:
Lectures (PowerPoint, board, video, minor discussion/reflection assignments), Class lectures (PowerPoint, board, video, discussion/reflection assignments, practice/user involvement), Group lectures/workshops (PowerPoint, board, practical workshops with physical activity, clinical tests, measurements of muscle activity/strength, theoretical workshops; journal clubs, Critically Appraised Topics (CAT), discussion/reflection assignments, practice/user involvement)). Onsite and online (Synchronous and Asynchronous) teaching activities.
Educational development, and university pedagogical research, including pedagogical awards:
2017-2022 Co-developer, and teacher on three extended courses with exams on Critical Appraised Topic (CAT) for lectures and senior lectures at UCL (3 ECTS).
2022- Co-developer, and teacher on an extended course with exams on Epidemiology and Applied Statistics for lectures and senior lectures at UCL (1.5 ECTS)
Teaching Portfolio:
Formal pedagogical education:
Administrative tasks in relation to teaching:
Experience with teaching, supervision, and exams: Teaching/exams on Bachelor-level:
Teaching/exams on Master-level:
Supervisor/External examiner:
Regarding educational development and university pedagogical research, you have the following involvement:
Methods, materials and tools:
Lectures (PowerPoint, board, video, minor discussion/reflection assignments), Class lectures (PowerPoint, board, video, discussion/reflection assignments, practice/user involvement), Group lectures/workshops (PowerPoint, board, practical workshops with physical activity, clinical tests, measurements of muscle activity/strength, theoretical workshops; journal clubs, Critically Appraised Topics (CAT), discussion/reflection assignments, practice/user involvement)). Onsite and online (Synchronous and Asynchronous) teaching activities.
Educational development, and university pedagogical research, including pedagogical awards:
Ph.d grad indenfor sundhedsvidenskab, University of Southern Denmark
Award Date: 30 Jan 2014
Cand.Scient.San, University of Southern Denmark
Award Date: 8 Nov 2008
Award Date: 28 Nov 2000
Gæsteforsker, University of Southern Denmark
2024 → …
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Contribution to report › Communication
Research output: Working paper/preprint › Working paper
Research output: Non-textual form › Video, other digital or visual Products › Communication
Research output: Book/Report/PhD thesis › Report › Research › peer-review
Larsen, C. M. (Principle researcher), Stougaard, M. S. (Co-researcher), Rasmussen, J. K. (Co-researcher), Grandt, V. (Co-researcher), Skovgaard, T. (Co-researcher), Holsgaard, A. (Co-researcher), Lexell, J. (Co-researcher), Christiansen, L. B. S. (Co-researcher), Jørgensen, A. (Co-researcher), Siddiqi, M. (Co-researcher), Vaarst, J. (Co-researcher), Højberg, J. M. (CoPI), Pasgaard, T. U. (Co-researcher), Rasmussen, H. M. (Co-researcher), Toftager, M. (Co-researcher) & Kristensen, S. J. (Co-researcher)
01/08/23 → …
Project: Research
Junge, T. (Principle researcher), Dahler, A. M. (Co-researcher), Pihl, G. T. (Co-researcher), Knudsen, J. S. (Co-researcher), Meilvang, M. L. (Co-researcher), Bak, C. K. (Co-researcher), Larsen, C. M. (Co-researcher), Brage, K. (Co-researcher), Prescott, K. V. (Co-researcher), Larsson, A. F. (Co-researcher), Månsson, A. G. (Co-researcher) & Jensen, K. A. (Co-researcher)
01/07/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Aaby, A. (Principle researcher), Larsen, C. M. (Co-researcher), Myburgh, C. (Co-researcher), Kasch, H. (Co-researcher) & Andersen, T. E. (Co-researcher)
01/01/23 → …
Project: Research
Knudsen, H. K. (Principle researcher) & Larsen, C. M. (Principle researcher)
21/10/24 → 21/12/24
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Præst, C. B. (Co-researcher), Larsen, C. M. (Principle researcher) & Skovgaard, T. (Principle researcher)
01/11/22 → 28/02/23
Project: Research
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Gerbild, H. N., Areskoug Josefsson, K., Larsen, C. M. & Laursen, B. S.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Højmark Jensen, A. (Expert), Aaby, A. (Expert), Dørfler, L. (Expert), Bøg-Jensen, K. (Expert), Knudsen, J. S. (Expert), Skou, S. T. (Expert), Søndergaard, J. (Expert), Junge, T. (Expert) & Larsen, C. M. (Expert)
Activity: Other activity types › Other
Jensen, K. A. (Paricipant), Månsson, A. G. (Paricipant), Junge, T. (Paricipant) & Larsen, C. M. (Paricipant)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Conference
Larsen, C. M. (Arranger), Jørgensen, A. (Paricipant), Christiansen, L. B. S. (Paricipant), Holsgaard, A. (Paricipant), Skovgaard, T. (Paricipant), Rasmussen, H. M. (Paricipant), Højberg, J. M. (Paricipant), Toftager, M. (Paricipant), Siddiqi, M. (Paricipant), Vaarst, J. (Paricipant), Kristensen, S. J. (Paricipant) & Rasmussen, J. K. (Paricipant)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Workshop
Larsen, C. M. (Paricipant)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Workshop
Jørgensen, A. (Expert) & Larsen, C. M. (Expert)
Activity: Other activity types › Other