Personal profile



Curriculum Vitae

VIA Faculty of Education & Social Studies





First name(s) and Surname(s): Jan Jaap Rothuizen

Adress: Kongefolden 113, 8660 Skanderborg, Denmark

Telephone number: +45 3029 8043

Mobile number: +45 8755 3404

E-mail address: [email protected]

Web-page:  (

ORCID: 0000-0002-2736-4854

Sex: m

Date of Birth: 25-03-1958

Nationality: Dutch



Professional competencies in keywords

  • Research and development (general pedagogy (allgemeine Pädagogik) educational research, social pedagogy, early childhood research)

  • Ph.d. supervisor

  • Teaching in pedagogy (early childhood education, social pedagogy); a continental/Scandinavian approach

  • Philosophy of education

  • Research and evaluation

  • Narrative approaches

  • Practical wisdom/pedagogical tact

  • Etics

  • Project-leadership



Period: 2003-2020 

Occupation/position: different positions as head of research and development at VIA University College and at the colleges that were merged into VIA in 2006

Main activities and responsibilities:

  • building research and development-units

  • project management,

  • integration of research and education

  • transnational projects

  • research,

  • integration of research and education



Occupation/position: Sr. Lecturer in pedagogy, psychology, management and organisational development, researcher and head of the research and development-unit at BA and MA level at the national school for social education Jysk Pædagog-seminarium

Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching, research, project development, international projects



Occupation/position: project-leader at the County of Aarhus

Main activities and responsibilities: project manager in Århus counties social department: co-ordination and development of local community  psychiatry in collaboration with 8 municipalities


Occupation/position: project leader for a multisectoral prevention project for children at risk in the municipality of Odense



Occupation/position: teacher at the national school for social education, Odense, Denmark



Occupation/position: instructor and research-assistant at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands




 (a)  Free University, Amsterdam (NL) and b) Aarhus University (DK)

Qualification awarded:  (a) MA (drs.) in social psychology and social pedagogy, (b) BA in philosophy


The Kempler Institute of Scandinavia, Odder (DK)

Skills: working with groups and families, family therapy




Aarhus University, the Danish School of Education

Qualification awarded:  ph.d. in philosophy of education


Boards, committees and editorial work (a selection)

Editorial work :

Chief editor of “Forskning I pædagogers profession og uddannelse” (Research in the professional work done by Pedagogues and in their education) (2016 à)

Chief editor of  “Tidsskrift for socialpædagogik” (Journal of Social Pedagogy) (2005-2010), co-editor since 2010

Member og editorial board of Qualitative Social work (Sage) (2001 à)

Appointed censor

- for the official diploma in leadership education (2003à)

- for Educational Science and Pedagogy at Danish Universities (2015 à)


Member of the board of the national school for social education I Aarhus

Member of the board of the residential facilities “Hedehuset”


Appointed referee/assessor for The Research Council of Norway, the FINNUT program




Publications (a selection)


  • Practician research  -why, how? (Nyhedsbrev FORSA Danmark oktober 2001) (in danish)

  • Practice research (Nordic Educational Research  02,2) (In danish, english summary))

  • Reflexionen über das Verhältnis zwischen Theorie, Praxis und Praktikum in der dänischen paedagog-Ausbildung. In: W.E. Fthenakis (hrsg.): Ausbildungsqualität, Strategikonzepte zur Weiterentwicklung der Ausbildung von Erzieherinnern und Erziehern. Neuwied, Berlin: Luchterhand 2002

  • Exclusión Social. In: Antonio Ariño (Ed.): Diccionario de la solidaridad. Cuadernos de solidaridad No. 2, Valencia 2003

  • Praktisk professionskundskab. (practical knowledge as a an option for informing practitioners in practice). Tidsskrift for socialpædagogik nr 14 (2004)

  • Quality assurance in social work practice. Paper presented at “Towards Professional Wisdom - Practical deliberation in the 'people professions' Edinburgh 2008

  • Educacion social entre la vide cotidiana y la profesion. In: Revista de éducacion social19 (2014)

  • Do we tactfully meet the children halfway? (2016)


  • The knowledgeing work-shop: how pedagogues develop a jargon. In: New perspectives in Pedagogical R&D. . Ed. By Peter Møller Pedersen, VIA SYSTIME 2010

  • At finde sin fortælling (Metaphors and imagination in the knowledgeing workshop).  IN: Kunnskapsverkstedet, ed. Inger Erstad & F TH. Hansen Oslo 2012

  • Pædagogiske Ballader (Educative ballads, educational troubles), edited with Line Togsverd, Samfundslitteratur, Frederiksberg 2016

  • På Sporet af pædagogisk Faglighed / In search of what matters educationally; The education of pedagogues as a apart of modernity´s pedagogical project. Ph.d. thesis, Aarhus University 2015)

  • Socialpædagogik I arbejdet med mennesker med sindslidelser (social pedagogy in the field of community psychiatry). SL, Copenhagen, 2016

  • Knowledge at play in early childhood education (Viden I spili daginstitutioner). VIA, Aarhus 2017



    European projects

    Holistic indicators for social inclusion (lead partner: Herriot Watt University & The city of Edinburgh)

    EQUIP: European Qualifications in Elderly Care

    HEAR ME: Higher educated retirees mentoring early school leavers (lead partner)

    EURO ASPIRE: develop an innovative European competency framework for trainers using creative  expression in informal and non-formal learning environments

    SES2: Stories enhancing Skills

    ECLN: European Cultural Learning Network

    RESME: On the Borders between Residential Child Care and Mental Health Treatment in Europe 

    Current research: Bodies of Knowledge at play in upbringing and pedagogy. Empirical and narrative research in five day-care institution. Financed by BUPL and VIA

    Conferences: FESET, NERA, ECER, ECERA, and others



Language Skills

Mother tongue(s):

  • Dutch

  • Danish

English proficiency

Please state one of the following: ‘Basic user’, ‘Independent user’ or ‘Proficient user’.





‘Proficient user’.

‘Proficient user’.

‘Independent user’


Other languages

Please state one of the following: ‘Basic user’, ‘Independent user’ or ‘Proficient user’.

(Language): German




‘Proficient user’.

‘Independent user’

‘Basic user’


(Language): French




. ‘Independent user’

‘Basic user’

‘Basic user’






‘Basic user’

‘Basic user’

‘Basic user’






Linguistic competences:
Language: Other
Level: Native speaker
Language: English
Level: Negotiation level
Language: German
Level: Experienced
Language: French
Level: Experienced
Language: Multiple languages
Level: Experienced

Organisational unit competences:
Project management: Professional
Networking: Several years of experience
Fundraising: Several years of experience
Administration: Several years of experience
Management: Professional

Research and development areas

Almenpædagogisk forskning. Fenomenologiske, hermeneutiske og narrative tilgange. Områder: uddannelse, socialpædagogik, daginstitution

Education/Academic qualification

pædagogisk filosofi, ph.d., Aarhus University

Award Date: 15 Dec 2015

andragologie/sociale pedagogiek, cand mag (drs), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

Award Date: 13 Apr 1984

filosofi, bachelor, Aarhus University

Award Date: 15 Jun 1981


FOU leder VIA Pædagogik og Pædagogisk Arbejde, VIA University College

1 Aug 201331 Dec 2015

forskningsleder "holistic indicators" -hjmeløseområdet, Århus Amt


leder af forskningsenheden / FOU leder, Jydsk Pædagogseminarium

Aug 1998Jul 2008

projektleder (lokal)psykiatri / tværsektoriel omstilling og udvikling, Århus Amt


projektleder omstilling og tværsektorielt samarbejde, forebyggelse af anbringelser B&U, Tarup Ungdomsskole, Odense Kommune



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