Activities per year
- 22 results
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Subacromielt smertesyndrom - Ny viden og hvor skal vi hen?
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
21 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Resistance training for shoulder pain syndrome - Sensitization of pain and exercise adherence
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Subacromial pain syndrome - pain mechanisms, exercise adherence and clinical decisions
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
12 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Conservative treatment for patients with subacromial impingement: Changes in clinical core outcomes and their relation to specific rehabilitation parameters
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Results of conservative treatment in secondary care and future perspectives
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
19 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Over- eller underbelaster vi vores skulder impingement patienter med træning?
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
14 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Diagnoses and disability in 325 consecutive patients with shoulder pain in an orthopedic secondary care setting
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
2 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Subacromial impingement – individual and societal impact, treatment pathway and diagnostic criteria
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
19 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Conservative treatment of subacromial impingement: Do impairments improve with current care or could we do it better?
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
20 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Glenohumeral and scapulothoracic strength impairments in patients with subacromial impingement. Which impairments are most pronounced and how are these related to patient-reported pain and function?
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
20 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Optimering af patientforløb for subacromiale smerter ved registrering af (genop)træningsdosis
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
8 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Skulderfunktion hos impingementpatienter – før og efter genoptræning
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
21 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
World Congress of Physical Therapy, Poster præsentation
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
3 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Sports Congress, oplæg
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
5 Feb 2017Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
PMR-C forskningssymposium
Clausen, M. B. (Introductory speaker)
16 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Forskningsdag på Metropol
Clausen, M. B. (Speaker)
23 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Sports Medicine Congres
Clausen, M. B. (Speaker)
23 Jan 2015Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Dansk Idrætsmedicinsk kongres
Clausen, M. B. (Speaker)
31 Jan 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
PMR-C forskningssymposium
Clausen, M. B. (Speaker)
12 Sept 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Sundtek Forskningsdagen 2014
Clausen, M. B. (Speaker)
24 Sept 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
PMR-C forskningssymposium:
Clausen, M. B. (Speaker)
5 Sept 2013Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Dansk Ortopædkirurgisk Selskabs Kongres 2013
Clausen, M. B. (Speaker)
24 Oct 2013Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation