Research output per year
Research output per year
Associate Professor
Research activity per year
Rico’s main professional field is climate adaptation. At the Emergency & Risk Management education at University College Copenhagen, his primary task is to participate in research projects. Among other things, he is the project leader in CliCNord (Climate Change Resilience in Small Communities in the Nordic Countries, 2021-2023), which is a NordForsk project with five international partners and eight cases in the Nordic region. Rico also plays a prominent role in the LINKS project (LINKS - Strengthening links between technologies and society for European disaster resilience, 2020-2023), which is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project. Rico is the education's representative in the research network COPE (Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research). Besides, he teaches in qualitative methodologies, climate, disaster cycle management, and innovation, as well as supervision of students.
Rico has a Ph.D. from the UNEP DTU Partnership, which is a collaboration between the UN Environmental Program and the Technical University of Denmark. The focal point of the dissertation was climate change, but with a special focus on forest and agricultural areas in tropical regions. The Ph.D. included, among other things, eight months of fieldwork in Belize, Central America. Rico holds a master's degree in Geography & Geoinformatics from the University of Copenhagen. His profile from here is a mixture of environmental, social, and natural geographical subjects as well as geoinformatics. A common focal point has been the environment and developing countries, and primarily the impact of climate change on developing countries. His thesis dealt with deforestation, and the fieldwork took place in Ghana.
Rico has previously been a research assistant in the Global Land Project at the University of Copenhagen (geography), and lecturer/coordinator on a master's course in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) at the National University of Ireland in Galway (NUIG). Here he taught various topics related to climate change, agriculture, and food security (e.g. deforestation, land rights, land-use change, and climate policy). Rico has previously also taught at RUC, Absalon, and Bagsværd Gymnasium, where he primarily taught geography-related topics. Originally, he is a trained teacher, which he worked as for eight years, teaching a wide range of subjects.
Linking Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - in Agriculture and Forestry, UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP)
2012 → 2015
Master of Science, Breakeven-price of REDD-credits in Ghana, University of Copenhagen
Aug 2006 → Jun 2011
Ribe Statsseminarium
1997 → 2001
1989 → 1992
Ekstern Lektor, Geografi, Roskilde University
2017 → 2018
Lektor, Geografi, Bagsværd Gymnasium og Kostskole
2016 → 2018
Ekstern Lektor, Geografi, University College Sjælland - Campus Roskilde
2016 → 2017
Lektor/Koordinator, Kandidatkursus i klimaændringer, landbrug og fødevaresikkerhed, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)
2015 → 2016
PhD Studerende, UNEP DTU Partnership, UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP)
2012 → 2015
Forskningsassistent, Global Land Project, University of Copenhagen
2011 → 2012
Praktik, ved MF Steen Gade, Folketinget
Research output: Other contribution › Other › Communication
Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report/PhD thesis › Report › Communication
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journal › Abstract › Research
Kongsager, R. (Principle researcher)
01/08/22 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Kongsager, R. (CoPI), Andersen, N. B. (Co-researcher), Baron, N. (Co-researcher) & Nedergaard, M. (Co-researcher)
01/01/21 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Kongsager, R. (Principle researcher) & Egedorf, M. M. (Principle researcher)
01/08/20 → 31/07/22
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Andersen, N. B. (Principle researcher), Kongsager, R. (Co-researcher), Baron, N. (Co-researcher), Nielsen, I. H. (Co-researcher) & Gudmandsen, J. C. M. (Co-researcher)
01/06/20 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Baron, N. (Principle researcher), Kongsager, R. (Co-researcher), Andersen, N. B. (Principle researcher) & Nielsen, L. R. (Principle researcher)
01/10/19 → 16/02/20
Project: Research
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
32 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Kongsager, R. (Speaker)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Conference
Kongsager, R. (Introductory speaker), Baron, N. (Member) & Nedergaard, M. (Member)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Kongsager, R. (Speaker)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Conference
Kongsager, R. (Introductory speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Kongsager, R. (Speaker)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Conference