Project Details
Care-AI in the Last Chapter of the Life Course
- Paving the Way –
Digitalisation and artificial intelligent solutions offer promising opportunities for better quality and workflow support in the elderly care sector in the future. Innovative care solutions and development of competences of the care professionals are essential, as the population of 80+ year old people with complex care needs are growing and the workforce within the old care sector is shrinking. Moreover, the diversity of the care professionals is increasing due to variations in formal education, training and work experience within the field of care in the elderly care sector.
Digitalisation is high on the political agenda in the EU and the technological development in artificial intelligence (AI) and data processing will in future have a significant influence in relation to better and more resource-efficient and qualified decision-making in the old care sector in general including nursing homes.
In the region of Interreg. Germany-Denmark the challenges in the old care sector are very much alike. Through cross-border collaboration and learning, the Care-AI project will enrich future sustainable new ways of supporting quality of care in the old care sector by focusing on quality in the last chapter of the life course of residents at nursing homes and on development of the care staffs competences.
In both Germany and Denmark, residents are about 83 years old when they get admission to the nursing home, two-thirds are women and the residents live about the last 2,5 years of their lives at the nursing home. The nursing home is the last home in the last chapter of the life course of each resident. By the time of admission to the nursing home, residents suffer from severe impairments, and have different combinations of cognitive, physical, mental problems, which make great requirements to high level of the competences of the care staff in the daily caring to meet the residents’ individual needs. In this context, biographical work is particularly important: it provides crucial information about the person and their life story, their individual preferences and experiences, including wishes and expectations about ending their lives.. The life story of a resident can provide information that not only enables better quality, individual care, but also improves the relationship between the person being cared for and the care team and the handling of the end of life. It can also help mitigate or even avoid challenging behavior. However, biographical work is very time-consuming. It requires explicit inquiries of relatives and residents and produces a lot of data and information, some of which is unstructured, not easy to collect and to process.
Care teams are increasingly composed of nurses with formal training and care workers with less training in the nursing field, or even workers with no formal training or experience in the elderly care sector. This can result in skill gaps in the care team, which may jeopardize quality and efficiency.
The aim of the Care-AI project is to develop and to apply an AI solution that supports biographical work. Through the digitalized and automated collection and processing of biographical data, the care team can be provided with customized information on the respective resident in real-time if necessary. The personal information, such as culturally sensitive information or music preferences, can be supplemented with further information or existing digital services. Furthermore, the characteristics and needs of the residents will be matched with those of the care team in order to promote and to utilize undiscovered experiences, skills and talents of the care team and thus contribute to a better working experience and more qualified decision-making. With this solution, members of the care team could be supported
individually and tailored to their respective competence level and, in addition, the appreciation of (informal) competences and experiences could contribute to higher job satisfaction.
The project's target group
The project Care-AI addresses eldercare organisations, companies that work with digitalisation and artificial intelligence and research institutions with expertise and knowledge of in the old care sector.
Lead partner
• University College Absalon, Zealand, Denmark
Project partners
• Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
• Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality, Denmark
• Greve Municipality, Denmark
• AWO Pflege Schleswig-Holstein gGmbH, AWO Flensburg
• DiWISH Digitale Wirtschaft Schleswig-Holstein
• Soventec GmbH
• Codin IT
- Paving the Way –
Digitalisation and artificial intelligent solutions offer promising opportunities for better quality and workflow support in the elderly care sector in the future. Innovative care solutions and development of competences of the care professionals are essential, as the population of 80+ year old people with complex care needs are growing and the workforce within the old care sector is shrinking. Moreover, the diversity of the care professionals is increasing due to variations in formal education, training and work experience within the field of care in the elderly care sector.
Digitalisation is high on the political agenda in the EU and the technological development in artificial intelligence (AI) and data processing will in future have a significant influence in relation to better and more resource-efficient and qualified decision-making in the old care sector in general including nursing homes.
In the region of Interreg. Germany-Denmark the challenges in the old care sector are very much alike. Through cross-border collaboration and learning, the Care-AI project will enrich future sustainable new ways of supporting quality of care in the old care sector by focusing on quality in the last chapter of the life course of residents at nursing homes and on development of the care staffs competences.
In both Germany and Denmark, residents are about 83 years old when they get admission to the nursing home, two-thirds are women and the residents live about the last 2,5 years of their lives at the nursing home. The nursing home is the last home in the last chapter of the life course of each resident. By the time of admission to the nursing home, residents suffer from severe impairments, and have different combinations of cognitive, physical, mental problems, which make great requirements to high level of the competences of the care staff in the daily caring to meet the residents’ individual needs. In this context, biographical work is particularly important: it provides crucial information about the person and their life story, their individual preferences and experiences, including wishes and expectations about ending their lives.. The life story of a resident can provide information that not only enables better quality, individual care, but also improves the relationship between the person being cared for and the care team and the handling of the end of life. It can also help mitigate or even avoid challenging behavior. However, biographical work is very time-consuming. It requires explicit inquiries of relatives and residents and produces a lot of data and information, some of which is unstructured, not easy to collect and to process.
Care teams are increasingly composed of nurses with formal training and care workers with less training in the nursing field, or even workers with no formal training or experience in the elderly care sector. This can result in skill gaps in the care team, which may jeopardize quality and efficiency.
The aim of the Care-AI project is to develop and to apply an AI solution that supports biographical work. Through the digitalized and automated collection and processing of biographical data, the care team can be provided with customized information on the respective resident in real-time if necessary. The personal information, such as culturally sensitive information or music preferences, can be supplemented with further information or existing digital services. Furthermore, the characteristics and needs of the residents will be matched with those of the care team in order to promote and to utilize undiscovered experiences, skills and talents of the care team and thus contribute to a better working experience and more qualified decision-making. With this solution, members of the care team could be supported
individually and tailored to their respective competence level and, in addition, the appreciation of (informal) competences and experiences could contribute to higher job satisfaction.
The project's target group
The project Care-AI addresses eldercare organisations, companies that work with digitalisation and artificial intelligence and research institutions with expertise and knowledge of in the old care sector.
Lead partner
• University College Absalon, Zealand, Denmark
Project partners
• Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
• Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality, Denmark
• Greve Municipality, Denmark
• AWO Pflege Schleswig-Holstein gGmbH, AWO Flensburg
• DiWISH Digitale Wirtschaft Schleswig-Holstein
• Soventec GmbH
• Codin IT
Layman's description
Bedre omsorg i ældreplejen ved hjælp af kunstig intelligens
Plejesektoren har svært ved at rekruttere kvalificeret personale, samtidig med at antallet af ældre med behov for pleje stiger. Projektet ”Care-AI” vil med hjælp af kunstig intelligens adressere disse udfordringer og modtager ca. 14,8 mio. kr. i støtte fra EU-programmet Interreg Deutschland-Danmark.
En stigende andel ældre personer med behov for pleje, en aftagende fødselsrate og mangel på fagpersonale inden for ældreplejen danner baggrund for det nye Interreg-projekt "Care-AI", som i dag er blevet godkendt af Interreg-udvalget.
Udfordringerne ved at rekruttere kvalificeret plejepersonale resulterer i øget diversitet i personalets kvalifikationer. Projektet vil derfor undersøge, hvordan data om beboere og personale på plejecentre kan anvendes til at støtte faglige beslutninger, der tager højde for både personalets mangeartede kompetencer og beboernes individuelle ønsker og behov. Her skal især kunstig intelligens bidrage til at forbedre kvaliteten af pleje på plejehjem i Tyskland og Danmark.
”Ved at udnytte kompetencerne i plejesektoren på tværs af den dansk-tyske grænse bedst muligt, kan vi skabe en ældrepleje, som i højere grad imødekommer de ældre menneskers behov og tager hensyn til plejepersonalets mangfoldige baggrund. De nye muligheder, som kunstig intelligens medfører, kan tilføre området et tiltrængt løft”, siger Jens Wistoft, medlem af regionsrådet i Region Syddanmark og dansk formand for Interreg-udvalget.
Bag ”Care-AI” står University College Absalon i Slagelse sammen med flere danske og tyske projektpartnere. ”Care-AI” vil også inddrage de centrale målgrupper på plejehjemmene samt virksomheder og forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner.
”Digitale teknologier som kunstig intelligens er afgørende for at imødegå udfordringer i ældreplejen. Heldigvis stiger den forventede levetid, men det fører også til mere varierede behov blandt den enkelte. Her kan ’Care-AI’ støtte en fremtidssikret kompetenceudvikling af både ufaglært og faglært plejepersonale”, siger Stefan Leyk, medlem af Kreis Plön og stedfortrædende tysk formand for Interreg-udvalget.
”Care-AI” modtager ca. 14,8 mio. kroner i støtte fra Interreg Deutschland-Danmark med midler fra Den Europæiske Union og er et af i alt seks projekter, der er blevet godkendt på udvalgsmødet i dag. Du kan læse mere om de godkendte projekter i Interreg Deutschland-Danmark på
Plejesektoren har svært ved at rekruttere kvalificeret personale, samtidig med at antallet af ældre med behov for pleje stiger. Projektet ”Care-AI” vil med hjælp af kunstig intelligens adressere disse udfordringer og modtager ca. 14,8 mio. kr. i støtte fra EU-programmet Interreg Deutschland-Danmark.
En stigende andel ældre personer med behov for pleje, en aftagende fødselsrate og mangel på fagpersonale inden for ældreplejen danner baggrund for det nye Interreg-projekt "Care-AI", som i dag er blevet godkendt af Interreg-udvalget.
Udfordringerne ved at rekruttere kvalificeret plejepersonale resulterer i øget diversitet i personalets kvalifikationer. Projektet vil derfor undersøge, hvordan data om beboere og personale på plejecentre kan anvendes til at støtte faglige beslutninger, der tager højde for både personalets mangeartede kompetencer og beboernes individuelle ønsker og behov. Her skal især kunstig intelligens bidrage til at forbedre kvaliteten af pleje på plejehjem i Tyskland og Danmark.
”Ved at udnytte kompetencerne i plejesektoren på tværs af den dansk-tyske grænse bedst muligt, kan vi skabe en ældrepleje, som i højere grad imødekommer de ældre menneskers behov og tager hensyn til plejepersonalets mangfoldige baggrund. De nye muligheder, som kunstig intelligens medfører, kan tilføre området et tiltrængt løft”, siger Jens Wistoft, medlem af regionsrådet i Region Syddanmark og dansk formand for Interreg-udvalget.
Bag ”Care-AI” står University College Absalon i Slagelse sammen med flere danske og tyske projektpartnere. ”Care-AI” vil også inddrage de centrale målgrupper på plejehjemmene samt virksomheder og forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner.
”Digitale teknologier som kunstig intelligens er afgørende for at imødegå udfordringer i ældreplejen. Heldigvis stiger den forventede levetid, men det fører også til mere varierede behov blandt den enkelte. Her kan ’Care-AI’ støtte en fremtidssikret kompetenceudvikling af både ufaglært og faglært plejepersonale”, siger Stefan Leyk, medlem af Kreis Plön og stedfortrædende tysk formand for Interreg-udvalget.
”Care-AI” modtager ca. 14,8 mio. kroner i støtte fra Interreg Deutschland-Danmark med midler fra Den Europæiske Union og er et af i alt seks projekter, der er blevet godkendt på udvalgsmødet i dag. Du kan læse mere om de godkendte projekter i Interreg Deutschland-Danmark på
Acronym | Care-AI |
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 01/12/23 → 30/11/26 |