
  • Madsen, Jan Halberg (Co-researcher)
  • Nørgaard, Palle (Principle researcher)
  • Kirillova, Ksenia (Co-researcher)
  • Jensen, Rasmus Hørsted (Co-researcher)

Project Details


Green Experience Economy. Sustainable Transition at Events and in Events Partnerships. Within the urgent frame of green transition, the project rethinks experience economy as an operational practice for sustainable development in event design, specifically aimed at event managers and companies that want to take part in event collaborations.
The questions are, what are an event’s opportunities to be a catalyst for collaboration and innovation, and a ‘green formation’ in the green transition, to which the experience industry and the tourism sector are also adapting?
And, from this perspective, how can companies and event organizers successfully collaborate on a valuebased foundation (people, planet, profit) and simultaneously create value for both event guests and the destination to which the event belongs?
For this purpose, the project develops an approach through key theory and shared practical mindset within the profession of Hospitality and Event Management to give sustainable development a practical meaning
with a particular focus on the experien

Layman's description

Projektet undersøger, hvordan oplevelsesøkonomien kan gentænkes ind i den bæredygtige omstilling som både operativ praksis og forståelsesramme for udvikling. Projektets fokus er eventdesign til eventarrangører og til virksomheder, der kunne ønske at gå ind i eventsamarbejde. Spørgsmålet er, hvad er eventens mulighed for at være en drivende kraft for samarbejde, innovation og måske en ’grøn dannelse’ i dén bæredygtige omstilling, som oplevelsesindustrien og turismesektoren også sigter mod?

Hvordan kan virksomheder og eventarrangører i den forbindelse succesfuldt samarbejde på et værdibaseret grundlag, ’people, planet, profit’ (Elkington 1993), og samtidigt skabe værdi for både eventgæster og den destination, som eventen er en del af?

Key findings

Expected Outcomes:

Conference Papers and presentations
Academic article
Newspaper / Journal contribution
Working paper, Business Academy Aarhus
Handbook for Business and for Teaching, Business Academy Aarhus
Intensive Learning Program at The Ocean Race, Aarhus May - June 2023
Event Network Presentation
Erasmus+ Exchange
Short titleGreenX
Effective start/end date01/08/2201/12/23


  • education, professions and jobs
  • business community, trade and economy


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