Project Details


‘Same, Same but Different’ is a pilot project. The project aims to use film art and drawing as a teaching method specifically into the subject Danish. ‘Same, Same but Different’ will develop a cinematic creative concept that can work into goal-directed processes. The specific tasks will be based on the school's
common goals. Students must learn drawing / illustration and filmmaking from the beginning of their school time. It provides a broader field for expressing oneself. It will open for
inclusion in the academic community for the 15% of students who have reading or
writing difficulties. It will provide peace of mind to achieve the common goals through
differentiated teaching courses. The partnership in the project is composed so that the film / drawing professionalism and the Danish professionalism are handled and angled with pedagogical approaches and scaffolding of teaching courses.

Layman's description

A project about animation and film as a learning tool and an effort aimed at children and young people with reading difficulties.

Key findings

Udviklingsmøder: Partnerne mødes og udvikler aktiviteter, indsamler data.
Den indkomne viden konceptualiseres og organiseres.
Koordinerende og administrative møder: TAW er tovholder på projektet og
vil være den koordinerende part i projektet, samt stå for de administrative
Der deltager 3 skoler, med en klasse fra henholdsvis indskoling, mellemtrin og
udskoling. Dermed er det muligt at undersøge, hvordan aktiviteterne skal
gribes an på de forskellige niveauer.
Der vil blive afholdt kurser for de deltagende kunstnere, lærere og pædagoger
i anerkendende pædagogik og stilladsering af undervisningsforløb.
I projektets slutfase vil der blive udbudt kurser for alle de deltagende
kommuners lærere, pædagoger og kunstnere gennem Kompetence center for
børn, unge og billedkunst.
Effective start/end date02/11/2030/03/24


  • aesthetics, design and media
  • teaching
  • educational material
  • workshops
  • film literacy
  • expert talks
  • animation
  • film
  • didactics
  • padagogy
  • dyslexia
  • writing difficulties
  • children
  • young people


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