Engagement in Occupations: a narrative study involving individuals who have a brain injury: "Getting the best out of life"

Lone Elisabeth Andersen

Research output: ThesisMasterResearch

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This study focuses on occupational engagement and describes experiences from three individuals with acquired brain injury and their views on the effects of engaging in occupations during homebased rehabilitation.
AIM The aim was to develop knowledge from experiences on occupational engagement during a rehabilitation process among persons with acquired injuries; to explore relationships between occupation and engagement; to outline occupational engagement and its centrality in occupational therapy. Earlier research shows that occupational engagement have a positive effect on individual's health and sense of well-being, but there are also several barriers of patient engagement, that can result in occupational imbalance, and withdrawal from occupations.
SETTING OF THE RESEARCH Occupational narratives were gathered from three participants in their own context.
DATA GATHERING Data were gathered from repeated narrative interview and direct observations in combination with fieldnotes.
DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS The analysis of data was based on an interpretative hermeneutical tradition.
FINDINGS The findings show that all participants have experienced an occupational change. A complexity emerged regarding their engagements in occupations and in regaining everyday life after acquired brain injury. It appeared that psychological factors highly impacted on the participants' level of engagement. Factors like despair, fear and decreased self-efficacy were indicating to which extent they were engaged in occupation. Facilitating occupational engagement was connected to well-known occupations and the importance of structure, and being in familiar and supportive environments. This study shows indentified plots from experiences, and is built upon narrative theory to advance our understanding of occupational change, engagement, and its relation to occupation.
POTENTIAL USE OF OUTCOME Exploring the process of regaining occupations can lead to a more complete understanding of occupational engagement, as well as contributing to the theoretical development of the emerging occupational engagement.
Original languageDanish
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jun 2012

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