Generic Model of Practical Skill Performance: Workshop

Cathrine Sand Nielsen, Carsten Munch Nielsen, Ida Torunn Bjørk, Karin Blomberg, karin larsen, Irene Sommer, Britta Vesterager Stenholt, karin Bölenius, inger åse reierson

Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journalAbstractResearchpeer-review


The Model of practical skill performance consists of six mutually dependent categories; substance, sequence, accuracy, fluency, integration and caring comportment. These categories are not seen as elements in a hierarchy. The model is normative in the sense that all the categories within the circle must be realized in well performed practical skill in nursing. The model can be used:
- in supervision before, during and after the practical skill performance
- as a tool for feedback to students regarding their permormance of practical skills
- in reflection and self-assessment during practical skills learning
- in analysis of practical nursing situations
- as a tool for analysis in research

What can the model add in supervision?
- Common language about practical skills
- Highlight quality and complexity in skills performance
- Focus on professionalism in actions, not the person
- Informs specific practice of single categories in skill learning
- Support progression in the learning process
- Stimulates the transfer of structure in learning between different practical skills
- Transparency in skills assessment
- Increases professional awareness of practical skills

Content in the workshop:
- Presentation of the Model of Practical Skill Performance and a pedagogical model including criteria’s of good performance
- Presentation of the actual use of the model as a learning tool in simulations laboratories and as a tool in supervision in clinical practice
- Demonstration of the model in supervision and as a tool in formative evaluation - video.
- Participants identifie skills in their professions and develop a case where the model can come in use.
- Participant discuss the potential for the use of the model in their practice, educations and countries.
- Presentation of implementation of the model in nursing education – example from a Scandinavian context and reflections of knowledge translation
Translated title of the contributionGenerisk model for udførelse og læring af praktiske færdigheder
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2018
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2018
Event8th International Clinical Skills Conference: Conversations; including conversations with patients, conversations with and for learners, conversations of different roles for clinicians, and how we can prepare for them - Prato, Italy
Duration: 19 May 201922 May 2019
Conference number: 8


Conference8th International Clinical Skills Conference
Internet address


  • education, professions and jobs


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