Hemorrhagic diathesis in cattle due to consumption of Adiantopsis chlorophylla (Swartz) Fée (Pteridaceae)

Luiz Gustavo Schneider de Oliveira, Fabiana Marques Boabaid, Vaidotas Kisielius, Lars Holm Rasmussen, Florencia Buroni, Martin Lucas, Carlos Omar Schild, Fabiana Lopez, Mizael Machado, Franklin Riet-Correa

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


An outbreak of acute febrile syndrome associated with coagulopathy and severe pancytopenia occurred in cattle grazing in paddocks with high infestation by Adiantopsis chlorophylla. The administration of the plant to a calf reproduced the same signs and lesions seen in spontaneous cases. Similar syndromes are caused by ptaquiloside from bracken fern. Traces of the ptaquiloside-like molecule caudatoside were detected together with 0.03–0.24 mg/g of it's degradation product pterosin A, in dry fronds of the plant. In conclusion, A. chlorophylla is a cause of hemorrhagic diathesis in cattle.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100024
Issue numberMarch
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


  • Cattle diseases
  • Caudatoside
  • Fern toxicity
  • Hematopoietic diseases


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