How does the biomedical laboratory scientists experience their present and future role in Digital Pathology in Denmark?

Charlotte Lerbech Jensen, Julie Smith, Mette Christa Zeuthen, Sys Johnsen, Lisbeth Koch Thomsen

Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journalPosterResearchpeer-review

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With political aspirations to promote digitalization in Denmark, significant changes are also expected in the Danish healthcare system. Digital technologies have great potential in pathology departments that are expected to be fully digitized in Denmark, in the nearer future. Some departments have already introduced digital pathology (DP) in a larger scope. The role of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists (BLS) is expected to change. But what are their present roles in this developing phase? How many BLS are involved and how much? How does BLS experience DP? How are BLS trained in DP? What are their ambitions in this fast-developing area?
Original languageEnglish
Publication date24 Aug 2021
Publication statusPublished - 24 Aug 2021
EventThe International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science conference in Copenhagen 2021 - Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 24 Aug 202128 Aug 2021


ConferenceThe International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science conference in Copenhagen 2021
LocationBella Center
Internet address


  • education, professions and jobs
  • clinical assessment methods, lab technology and radiography

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