Logikker i den psykomotoriske undervisningsform: Et kvalitativt studie af fysisk træning med en psykomotorisk terapeut

Research output: ThesisMasterResearch

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Physical inactivity has a large financial impact on society, due to serious health related consequences (Kiens et al. 2007).
According to the Swedish professor, Lars-Magnus Engström (2010), variation in physical activities offered by society is important in order to include all people in physical activity. The three main logics, depending on habitus, that attracts people to physical activity are performance, training and experience.
This qualitative study surveys psychomotor group teaching because it is a possible different approach to physical activity than mainstream activities. The study includes a semi structured interview with a psychomotor therapist, teaching elderly people gymnastics and one focus group interview with 6 participants.
The results show that the focus of the psychomotor therapist are physical training, improvement of body awareness and self-acceptance. In contrast most participants prefer the fitness and balancing training in order to stay functional while others have an outcome of the mental focus.
The study suggests that psychomotor group lessons including different logics can contribute to the physical activities in society and support solving the health problem.

Original languageDanish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013


  • didactics
  • skills
  • relaxation and psychomotor therapy
  • movement
  • discourse analysis
  • qualitative method
  • hermeneutics
  • interview
  • activity
  • physically active
  • prevention
  • body
  • training
  • psychomotor skills
  • health
  • elderly
  • sociale skills
  • education

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