Reinventing the wheel: an attempt to create an objective technical color wheel for Pantone colors by using hue angles (hab) as the deciding factor

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution to proceedingpeer-review

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This study attempts to find an objective method to determine whether a given color is yellow, orange, or red, simply by evaluating its technical values and without looking at the color. After a review of the early Pantone Matching System and the current Pantone Formula Guide Coated, the first attempt to create a color wheel was to some extent possible.
This was done firstly by selecting already named Pantone colors and colors that
unambiguously belong to a particular color group, and secondly by using their hue angles (h*/hab) to determine the boundaries surrounding the orange color
group in the CIE a*b* projection circle. By this method, the orange color group is determined to be located between 41.5° and 85° (hab). However, more in
-depth studies are required to verify or falsify his methodology.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 46th international Research Conference of iarigai : Stuttgart, Germany, September 2019
EditorsPatrick Gane, Cathy Ridgway
Number of pages13
Place of PublicationDarmstadt
PublisherInternational Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries
Publication date3 Dec 2019
ISBN (Electronic)9783948039011
Publication statusPublished - 3 Dec 2019
Event46th International iarigai Conference: Advances in Printing and Media Technology - Stuttgart, Germany
Duration: 15 Sept 201918 Sept 2019


Conference46th International iarigai Conference: Advances in Printing and Media Technology
SeriesAdvances in Print and Media Technology


  • Media, communication and languages
  • Pantone
  • color groups
  • color wheels
  • hue angels
  • technology, engineering and IT


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