'The application of co-occupation in occupational therapy and science – a scoping review

Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journalAbstractResearchpeer-review


Relating to the topic: Occupation Focused Research and Research Methods.

The review aims to provide an overview of the definitions and application of co-occupation within occupational science and therapy and that will be presented on a poster.

Co-occupation is a relatively new concept that has been given attention within occupational science and therapy over the last three decades ​(1)​. Co-occupation was proposed as part of a continuum of social occupations, from parallel performed occupations to highly interrelated co-occupations. However, it has yet to be unambiguously defined ​(2)​. It represents a transactional perspective encapsulating the inseparability of people, occupation, and environment ​(3)​. Despite its potential value in understanding and applying human interactions as a therapeutic tool ​(4)​, its definitions and applications are not fully mapped ​(2)​.


The scoping review to answer:

What is the state of knowledge about the application of co-occupations in occupational therapy and science?  

How are co-occupations conceptualized?

How are co-occupations used and for what purposes?

What characterizes the participants and settings where the concept of co-occupation has been researched? 

What is the research gap in the literature?
Original languageEnglish
Publication date8 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - 8 Mar 2024


  • health, nutrition and quality of life

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