To which extend can RPL describe the educational practice at DMJX?

Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journalPosterResearchpeer-review


At the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) our five educational programs share the same general administrative orders. However, our programs differ in require-ments for the student’s reflective competence, level of theoretical aspects, the educa-tional principles, size of class, etc. These differences have their historical reasons, how-ever, we need to make sure that our educational practices meet the same high standards across the various programs.
In 2020/2021 we are conducting a process in order to describe and professionalize our educational practices and reasonings. The starting point of our process will be the theory on reflective practice-based learning (RPL) in order to explore whether ‘traditional’ RPL encompasses all the unique elements of our educational programs.
The purpose of the paper is to further develop RPL to suit specific demands of the educa-tional programs at DMJX, and therefore we pose the following research question: Based on existing RPL theory, what characterizes a DMJX signature pedagogic and how do teachers and students tap into these resources in order to achieve the highest level of re-flective learning outcome?
The paper describes, analyses and discuss exemplary cases selected among our five ed-ucational programs. The cases have been selected based on display of excellence in terms of didactics, learning goals, execution and student evaluations.
By means of these cases, the paper shows the educational potentials of formulating an idiosyncratic DMJX pedagogic and suggests an outline for a distinctive DMJX pedagogic linking RPL and the characteristic competences and resources within DMJX’s communi-cative, visual and creative programs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication dateNov 2021
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021
EventECRPL2021: European Conference on Reflective Practice-based Learning - UCN, Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 1 Nov 20213 Nov 2021


ConferenceECRPL2021: European Conference on Reflective Practice-based Learning
Internet address


  • learning, educational science and teaching


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